Welcome Participants. 

This is your private page.  You will get updated and information here..  You can ask questions or even test your speech below. Click the Blue button and record.

Training Videos for Season One


AI Translation

1位から5位までが賞金を分けることになります。 上位7名には、バーティス・ソサエティの奨学金を全額または一部支給します。 1位から3位までのチャリティーには、それぞれ1万円ずつ。第1シーズンということで、多くの方が注目し、楽しみに待っています。より多くの人に関心を持ってもらうために、コンテストの総額を増やす予定です。 賞金は参加人数で決まります。皆さんは登録したときにお金を払っています。それがシーズン1の現金価格です。シーズン2では、スポンサーもつき、参加者も増えるので、賞金はもっともっと大きくなります。後日、シーズン1の賞金が1万ドル、シーズン2の賞金がもっと大きくなると宣伝しておきます。 どうか上達することに集中し、ベストを尽くしてください。 私たちは宣伝に専念し.1位から5位までが賞金を分けることになります。 上位7名には、バーティス・ソサエティの奨学金を全額または一部支給します。 1位から3位までのチャリティーには、それぞれ1万円ずつ。第1シーズンということで、多くの方が注目し、楽しみに待っています。より多くの人に関心を持ってもらうために、コンテストの総額を増やす予定です。 賞金は参加人数で決まります。皆さんは登録したときにお金を払っています。それがシーズン1の現金価格です。シーズン2では、スポンサーもつき、参加者も増えるので、賞金はもっともっと大きくなります。後日、シーズン1の賞金が1万ドル、シーズン2の賞金がもっと大きくなると宣伝しておきます。 どうか上達することに集中し、ベストを尽くしてください。 私たちは宣伝に専念します。


I have someone working on the payout for this first season. first place to fifth place will divide the cash prize. The top 7 people will get full and partial scholarships with the vertice society.  The First 3 place charities will receive 10,000 yen each. . Because this is the first season many people are watching and waiting to see how it works. I will increase the total value of the contest to get more people interested. The cash prize is determined by how many people participate. You all paid when you signed up. That is the cash price for season one.  Season 2 will have sponsors and more people so the cash prize will be much much larger. 

Later, I will advertise season 1 with $10,000 in cash, and prizes season 2 will have a bigger cash prize.   Please focus on improving and doing your best. We will focus on promoting.

Meeting update

Pre event Class video.   

                                   Part ONE                                                                       Part TWO

Mirroring Class that you should follow.

Mirroring Videos for Season One

Video Update for Season one.

Below are several skits that are included in the Mirroring Contest.

We do several of these and be able to see how well we did.


Chris Evans

I want to direct


Advice for Actors

Scarlett Johansson


Call me


Relax at the beach


Jammie Lee Curtis

What should i do?

Pre made speeches for season one



    1. At the beach

    The Brown Family is at the beach. It’s a beautiful Sunday and the sun is shining. Mr. Brown is singing a song and enjoying the sun. Mrs. Brown is making lunch. She’s making sandwiches and lemonade. Linda is sitting in a chair taking pictures. Jimmy is playing catch. An old man is watching them play. He is smiling and thinking about the past.




    2. Golden week

    Golden week is coming and the Brown family is going to Japan. They are all very excited. Linda has told her best friend. Jimmy told his cousins. Mr. Brown told his co-workers and Mrs. Brown told everyone at her church. They plan to visit Mount Fuji, and the Tokyo Tower. The Browns will buy lots of presents for their friends back in the States. It should be a great trip.




    3. Back From Japan

    The Brown family just returned from Japan. They had an exciting trip and made a lot of new friends. Mr. Brown took tons of pictures of famous places in Japan and Jimmy met a guy name Kenji. Kenji was also a Jr. high student that loved to play baseball. They became good friends and Jimmy exchanged e mail addresses before they left. Mrs. Brown and Linda spent a lot of their time sightseeing and shopping. Mrs. Brown had sushi for the first time and she really enjoyed it. Many of the Brown’s friends back in the States were excited to get souvenirs from Japan. The Brown’s had so much fun they plan to visit Japan again next golden week. 




    4. Dreams Come True

    Ayumi met Paul in the lobby of the Takano Corporation. Paul was there for a very important meeting but he was having trouble speaking to the people at the front desk. Paul’s interpreter was sick and he didn’t speak Japanese that well. He couldn’t really understand what the two girls at the front desk were asking him. Ayumi saw the problem and offered to help. Her English was great and she was able to interpret for the two girls. Paul look relieved and asked her if she could accompany him to his meeting. She volunteered. Ayumi was great and looked like a pro. At the end of the meeting Paul was so impressed that he offered her a job as a full time interpreter. It was a dream come true because she has always wanted to work for a company doing international business. Today, Ayumi travels around the world using her English skills having fun and making lots of money. 




    5. The Interview

    I had a big interview in New York and wouldn’t you know it, every thing went wrong. I had to be in New York by 2 O’clock. The flight was only an hour away and I had it all planned out. I set my alarm for 8:00 but the alarm didn’t go off. I over slept. Then my car got a flat on the way to the airport. I hopped a taxi and got to the airport but I left my ticket in the car. In a rush I tripped and ripped my suit pants, some lady spilled coffee on my shirt. All this before 12:30. Finally, I got my flight and made it to the interview only to find that the interview was rescheduled for next week. I didn’t check my machine. 




    6. The Baseball Game

    Tommy’s mom and dad went to Bowen Park to watch him play in his Little League baseball game.They clapped and yelled every time Tommy came up to bat. In the third inning Tommy made a nice catch in left field, and the crowd cheered. When he struck out in the fifth inning, his coach pepped him up and told Tommy he’d hit it next time. At the end of the game, Tommy batted in the winning run, and his team tossed him up in the air. His mom and dad were very proud. 




    7. Close the deal

    Kenichi and his assistant had just arrived in New York. His flight was a little early so he had plenty of time to prepare for his big meeting. Kenichi was the sole negotiator for his company back in Japan. He was full of confidence and ready for the meeting. During the meeting Kenichi sat in the board room and began to negotiate a huge business deal. The conversation was fast and got a little heated at times. The Americans were very impressed with his negotiation skills. After the meeting they all celebrated together laughing and telling jokes. In the end, Kenichi got a better deal than expected. Upon his arrival in Japan he got the good news that he had been promoted. 




                          Rule Book for 2022

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