Vertice Societyは、言語学校のメンサ


Society of English Excellence


Vertice Societyは、メンサ協会と同様に、高い能力を持つメンバーが集まるコミュニティです。ただし、メンサが先天的な高いIQに基づいているのに対し、Vertice Societyのメンバーは、優れた言語能力を持つだけでなく、特別に設計されたトレーニングとテストを通じてこれらのスキルを習得することが可能です。Vertice Society財団は約40年の歴史を持ち、ヨーロッパの言語習得モデルに基づいた教育を提供するアカデミーやインターナショナルスクールを運営しています。言語学習者にとって、Vertice Societyはまさに「英語学習者のためのメンサ」と言える存在です。

Vertice Total English Communication

An society for the top 2% who have mastered English communication. A school for people who want to master English communication.


Join Vertice

About The Vertice Society


The Secret Formula to Excellence in English

Welcome To The Vertice Society. You have Earned it!

The Secret Formula to Excellence in English

Welcome To The Vertice Society. You have Earned it!

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Maki Mannami.

Professional Singer, producer and composer

Vertice Society Member

Maki Mannami

Japanese former student.

Educated in Japan and with Vertice style training.

The top 2% of English

communicators from Japan.

Vertice is an Elite society for top English communicators from Japan.   Vertice also has a school for those who want to improve their English.  Become  Fully Functional

Our Group

The Vertice Society was established to identify the highest and most accomplished English language users in Japan. Each of The Vertice Society members are native Japanese English speaker with fully functional English capabilities. The Vertice Society members have excelled in the area of English pronunciation, comprehension, writing, vocabulary, and non-verbal communication abilities.

The Vertice Society provides ongoing training and support for its members and helps them to maintain their skills through free training programs, classes, lectures, and discussion Forms.

We also provide training for all Japanese English students.   If you are a top 2% complete communicator Vertice is for you. 

Fully Functional English: 完全に機能する英語 Efficiently and accurately uses all seven forms of English   Speaks with clear and accurate pronunciation.

Bilingual:  A person capable of completely communicating in two  languages,  not a student.

The Problem and Solution

"Eventually, English Students need to become complete English Users."


Many Japanese people have been studying English for decades. Even after 30 to 40+ years of studying, we still lack confidence. We start studying English at an early age but never seem to finish. It’s like running a never-ending marathon.

Actually, there is a goal and there is a finish line. Those of us that finish, qualify for “Vertice Society.” It's the society for complete English users. Vertice Society members have transitioned from English students, to "English Users." We use English for work, for life, for fun. We engage in conversation with confidence and contribute to meaningful discussions. 


Vertice Members understand movies, television, and speak up at dinner parties.  We don't attend language schools anymore. We come together to exchange ideas, discuss world topics, network, and guide others to the finish line. 

If you would like to finally become a complete user of English, see if you qualify for The Vertice Society. Take the TEFU test. find out your strengths and weaknesses. Join our focused training programs. Join our newsletter. We will be waiting for you, at the finish line.


Two Stories


You have been an English student since Jr High School. Now you have a job in America, and you speak to people using English. They understand most of your English. You attend conference calls in English. Your grammar is good and you can read the materials of your work. You still attend various English classes but you are surviving. Good job. You have made it to the top 30%. 


Vertice members are the top 2% of English speakers from Japan. They are thriving. They were trained to speak with native pronunciation. They deliver speeches in English, tell jokes at parties, and watch movies without subtitles. They know the idioms, can debate and communicate just like natives. They usually live in Japan and were once students of English. Now they are English users. They, were trained by the Vertice Society.

Welcome to the Vertice Society. we offer training to help you become a fully functional user of English; once you have mastered the seven areas and passed the TEFU test, you will be eligible to receive services from the Vertice society, free of charge. New Paragraph

Vertice Society 

Recognizes as Excellent English communicators 

 Vertice Academy

Developing the next generation of Excellent English users. 

I want to be my best  in English 


Who do we support

We support the people who have achieved the bilingual levels in English, Those that would like to become bilingual, and

those that prefer a first class lifestyle.  Our student include actors, singers, scientist,  executive and more.

Vertice Society


Vertice Academy

& Associate Members


 Premium Services

The key areas of expertise needed to qualify.

Knowing exactly where to focus was such a big help.  I could stop randomly studying English with no real goal.  I found out that i was weaker in 3 areas.  I focused on those for 8 months and  now I am complete.

✓ Pronunciation ✓ Comprehension
✓Vocabulary ✓ Nonverbal
✓Writing ✓ Fluency
Our Services

Vertice Society Training


To achieve the highest achievement in English requires high-level instructors. The Vertice society instructors have earned the right to help you. 

Training  for non members

We offer training programs for beginners to advanced students. Take the TEFU pretest and find your level.   

About us


All Japanese speakers that qualify for  are no longer considered students of English.   They are "users" of English and fully functional communicators.   There is no tuition for Members.    Your name is added to our database, you receive your ELFA membership number and you are free to use our logo on your resume for career advancement.   Congratulations you are the 1 %  fully functional user of English.

VERTICE Associate Members 

If you are interested in becoming a Member please register here.  You will receive a pre-test to determine your strong and weak points.  Then, you can begin to focus becoming an English USER. There are tuition requirements for associate members studying with us.  From here you can finally see a finish line and the beginning of    "English User." 

A World Full Of English.

Vertice Society Member

What are fully functional Vertice Society Members doing with English?

We speak clear and affective English in our daily lives.

We write professional documents for business and pleasure. 

We give speeches to share our thoughts and viewpoints.

We are able to argue and defend our ideas in response to questions and opposing views.

Watch and understand the news, television, and movies without subtitles.

Participate in social events, laugh at jokes, use idioms, and interact with American friends.

We are Vertice Society Members. We graduated from Being a student... Now We are just enjoying

“A world full of English. "

Does this sound like what you really wanted?

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