The Vertice Society Overview:
The Vertice Society serves as the overarching body for several programs and categories:
Membership Categories:
The Vertice Society
Vertice Societyは、メンバーを多方面でサポートしています。まず、メンバーがネイティブスピーカーと同等にコミュニケーションを取れる能力を持っていること、その真の価値を世界に知らしめます。この能力は、従来の完璧なTOEICスコアという古い評価基準をはるかに超えています。(多くのメンバーが完璧なTOEICスコアを持っていることは事実です。)私たちは、メンバーが自然な才能や努力によって得たものを強調し、評価します。
さらに、Vertice Societyでは、カウンセリング、ネットワーキングの機会を提供しています。また、国際的な人材採用に関する出版物に広告を出し、日本からの最高のコミュニケーターを求める企業にメンバーを紹介しています。私たちは、スピーキングイベントのスポンサーを務め、他の優秀なメンバーと交流できる場を提供しています。メンバーはもう学生ではないため、授業料は無料です。Vertice Societyのメンバーは、特別で優れた個人であり、私たちと関わることで、過去に見逃されていたかもしれないチャンスに気づかれることでしょう。
また、Vertice Academy International Schoolも運営しています。このアカデミーでは、学生が学びたいと思うすべてのことを、従来の日本の教育方法とは全く異なる手法で英語で教えています。私たちは日本で初めてのリスニングスクールを設立し、「発音大学」を運営しています。さらに、ビジネス英語、ディベート、ライティング、スピーチメイキング、演技、歌唱、ハワイブートキャンプなど、多彩なプログラムを提供しています。このプロセスを通じて、Vertice Societyの資格を得るための道が開かれます。
最後に、アメリカの平均的な英語話者と比較して、自分の英語コミュニケーション能力を測定したい方のために、テストプログラムを提供しています。これは他の日本人と比較するものではありません。興味がある方は、TEFUテストを受けてください。あなたはすでにVertice Societyのメンバーとしての資格があるかもしれません。ぜひ資格を確認してください。
Vertice Societyへの参加は招待制です。
TEFUテストを受けると、一部の方には「Vertice Societyメンバーシップオファーレター」または「アソシエイトメンバーシップオファーレター」が届き、Vertice Societyへの参加が許可されます。
Vertice Societyに関連するすべての方は、トップレベルのトレーニング教材、ビデオ、イベントに追加料金なしでアクセスできます。無料の教材を利用したり、大学のようなコースを受講することができます。年間を通じてコースや特別プログラムが提供されています。カレンダーをチェックしてください。
The TOP 2% of English Users
Vertice協会 = The Top in Latin
We don't just speak another language,
we speak it WELL.
Beyond the goal?
Have you ever felt the frustration of continuing to study English and not being able to see the finish line no matter how long you try? On the other hand, have you been "studying" Japanese? We may not know all the Japanese words, but we live our lives using them without any difficulty, and we learn and absorb new words in our daily lives. English is no different. For native speakers of English, there is no end to their daily learning, but they don't have to take special time to study English. We can do it too. As English students, we don't have to keep running marathons without a goal. Let's set a goal as students, graduate from being students.
The 7 Skills of complete English communication.
The accuracy of your pronunciation is rated on the PSEP TEST Standard American Pronunciation Scale, with 10 levels (level 1 is the best). Pronunciation is often the bane of our existence. A pronunciation that is barely understandable will continue to cause stress to your conversation partner. It is important in communication to speak with pronunciation that the other person can understand with no effort.
Speed, rhythm, timing, intonation, smoothness, etc.: there are many things to pay attention to in addition to pronunciation in order to communicate fluently. If you make mistakes in these areas, you may convey the wrong message even if your sentence is correct.
This includes general American communication vocabulary, idioms and slang, and vocabulary related to your field of study. Of course, the basic vocabulary that everyone uses in common is important, but normal people don't need to learn all the vocabulary in all areas in the same way all the time. Learn the words in the field that suits you best.
Ability to understand general texts and texts related to your area of expertise. You do not need to force yourself to go above a general level in areas that are outside of your expertise.
Ability to listen to general conversations and conversations related to your field of expertise. You do not need to force yourself to go above a general level in areas outside of your expertise.
Whether you can communicate your thoughts and ideas in English or not. In order to study correct grammar, intelligent expressions, etc., writing, which allows you to think carefully, is superior to conversation, which requires real-time responses. The feedback from writing English with a high degree of accuracy will make your English conversation expressions more expressive and intelligent.
It judges the non-verbal communication skills that are part of American communication. Some people may assume that since it is non-verbal, it has nothing to do with English, but body language is also different between Japan and English-speaking cultures. Let's understand that it is an important skill to enrich our expression.
* There are special situation that we can consider in the testing and admissions process. If your situation varies please let us know and we can determine if you or someone you know would qualify.
Member activities are designed to allow our members to come together, collaborate, advance ideas, understand cultures, improve our environments and achieve economic success. We do offer training advice and offer lessons for people wishing to be official Vertice Society. Our member represent backgrounds in science, entertainment, business, education, medicine, movies sports and more.
A typical member may have this type of a background:
We are very proud of her excellent instructors. They are experience and accomplished individuals dedicated to supporting and enriching the lives of members.
Former Actor, Dialogue coach. Qualifying member since 2008
Business person qualifying members in 2019
Singer Composer Producer Voice training. member since 2012
Singer and began training in 1991. Tomomi is our first qualifying member.
Kaori is an accomplished author, teacher, interpreter, and translator. She has a perfect TOEIC Score and teaches in Vertice.
Nemu, (Language advisor) is a 100% self trained bilingual speaker. Nemu used the Natural Way techniques to achieve her native level i English.
We will point you in the direction of success.
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Established 1992 under former name