Goal: Reach level 2 or 1 pronunciation with a fluent sound.
This course included video training, Online lessons high-speed speaking, and listening.
This program will identify your starting level and begin the process of increasing your pronunciation skills, making your English more understandable and natural sounding. Level 2 pronunciation on a scale of 1 to 10 will qualify you allowing you to capture this flag. You can advance above the required level to the level of undetectability. Meaning, native English speakers will assume you are also a native speaker. Advanced training is done with our partner school using the SP Method.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to reveal the specific training methods used in this course. Students enrolled in this program can learn the details and methods.
Training Style
Weekly. Bi-Montly
Online-zoom in private or groups
Scott Perry
Maki manamami
To equal the average American reading and writing ability you need to perform at a 7th-grade level. The ability is of an average 12-year-old. The Vertice target is higher than that.
After your initial test, you will be categorized into one of the following.
Beginner and intermediate writers will begin training in this course. You will be asked to keep a daily journal and will receive weekly assignments. Your progress will be monitored over time. You will be graded on, word usage, grammar, sentence structure, accuracy, relevance, details, and creativity.
If you test into advanced writing you will not need to focus on this skill and you may test out and capture this flag.
Training Style
1 to 3 assignments/week
group classroom lectures 2/month
Sakura Renee´Ono
Ryan Jackson
This course will develop your vocabulary specific to your interest and field of work. It does not require you to focus on random advanced vocabulary words in fields unrelated to your interest. In addition, you will need to master the 1000 base English words that comprised 97% of written English in America. You will learn how to speak in “layman's terms” and specialized terminology.
This course will be taught to you based on your optimal learning style and can be intensive 2 to 3 assignments per week or casual 1 assignment per week.
Training Style
Intensive & Casual. 1 to 2 lessons/week
Online-zoom classes & PDF files
Private or Group
Kana Sakurai
This course used methods used in Hollywood movies and acting schools. You may feel shy in the beginning but over time this needs to become second nature to you. This skill will allow you to assimilate at social gatherings and professional events. It will also help you to convey your ideas more accurately. “Sometimes you can say more by not saying anything.” Be prepared to stand up during class. Prepare a space where you can study in private.
Training Style
Weekly. Bi-Montly
Online-zoom in private or groups
Yuka Sato
Mark Ackerman
Scott Perry
Maki Nanamami
You should not expect to understand everything you hear. We will teach you how what to listen for and what is okay to ignore. There are proven listening techniques for listening This is based on current American research and the methods of some of our partners' schools.
You will train on materials related to your interest or profession with video clips, movies, and telephone conversations.
Training Style
Weekly. Bi-Montly
Online-zoom in private or groups
Scott Perry
This course is designed to develop your understanding of the materials you read or listen to. We will use some of the methods in the listening course but as you develop your specialized vocabulary you should notice an improvement in your comprehension. We will help you filter out non-key words to focus on the important words and sounds.
You will be asked to speak about, write about, and explain the things you will study in this course. This course can be combined with a listening course and writing course.
Training Style
Weekly. Bi-Montly
Online-zoom in private or groups
E-learning and Video support
Ryah Jackson
Mark Ackerman
This is the non-traditional English know culturally and through experience. This is a very popular and fun course that teaches you more than English.
Training Style
Weekly. Bi-Montly
Online-zoom in private or groups
PDF files, Internet, E-learning
Scott Perry
Maki Nanamami
Ryan Jackson
Lynda Ross
other Staff
We will point you in the direction of success.
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