Society for English Excellence & Training Academy for future members. We support and produce the top 2%


What is coming for the VIP students?

  • You all will become students of the Vertice society.
  • If you like you can study different topics such as non verbal communication, Watch idioms videos,  practice speech making or more.
  • You attend a group class a few times a month.

  1. If you have not been told that you have reached the level you need.  You can still keep studying with us.  Some of you have reached the level some of you have not. 

More information to come.

【日本時間】 土曜日 午前7時~

Topic: SCOTT PERRY's Personal Meeting Room

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 774 604 1850

 November  17th

Video only lesson and the class room. Take your time and learn them.

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